
This levy would be an economic hardship on you the taxpayer. This is no easy task. Therefore, our certified tax resolution specialists would quickly gather the necessary info to determine the level of hardship and eliminate or limit the wave garnishment.

A levy by either the IRS or the State is the actual seizure action taken to collect an IRS or State debt from a bank account. Our specialists will review your IRS collection letter(s) and let you know up front what tax relief options are available for resolving your IRS problems.

A federal or state tax lien is a debt security instrument claimed and filed on your real estate and or personal property. If you have received a Notice of Federal Tax Lien, you must act quickly to remove it. Our specialists are ready to assist you in resolving your federal tax lien issues, once and for all.

A program established by Congress to have the opportunity to pay a small amount as a full and final settlement and get a fresh start. Our specialists can help you to qualify for the Offer in Compromise program and save thousands of dollars in back taxes, penalties and interest.

Filling a bunch of back tax returns, with balances owed, could spell financial disaster without a plan of action, in place, to resolve the balances due. That is why it’s absolutely critical that you work with an experienced specialist to develop a comprehensive plan of action!

Each year, the IRS sends out millions of notices to taxpayers. Some are informational only; others require a response. They can be both favorable and unfavorable. On the plus side, they may advise you of your eligibility for a tax credit; on the minus side, a pending audit.

Taxpayers often find themselves in trouble with the IRS because of their spouses or ex-spouse’s actions. An innocent spouse relief can help you to not pay IRS back taxes, interest, and penalties related to your spouse. However, specialists best handle understanding, complying and submitting this relief within the IRS guidelines.

An IRS audit is an examination of business and/or individual accounts and financial information to ensure amount being reported on tax returns are accurate and according to the tax federal or State laws. This means they already believe the return is not accurate. Therefore, it’s up to you to prove them wrong.

The appeal process is a method by which the taxpayer has a right to dispute specific events or decision in the collection process. It provides the taxpayer with an informal meeting with what should be an impartial officer of the IRS or State. It’s designed to be a process where people have an opportunity to excess their issues and concerns.